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FASS is an integrated service to help people with their legal and social needs.
Family Court - 1st Floor 39-41 Davey Street, Hobart and The Legal Aid Commission of Tasmania - 158 Liverpool Street, Hobart
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FASS is an integrated service to help people with their legal and social needs.
Family Court - 3rd Floor ANZ Building, Corner Brisbane & George Streets, Launceston and The Legal Aid Commission of Tasmania - 64 Cameron Street, Launceston
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The Family Advocacy and Support Service (FASS) is an integrated service to help people with their legal and social needs.
Legal Aid Commission of Tasmania 50 Alexander Street Burnie
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The Family Law Registry staff provide information about available services within both the Family Court of Australia and the Federal Circuit Court.
Staff cannot provide legal advice but can provide clients with forms and procedural information regarding:
Staff cannot provide legal advice but can provide clients with forms and procedural information regarding:
3rd Floor, ANZ building, Cnr Brisbane and George Streets, Launceston, 7250, TAS
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The Family Law Registry staff provide information about available services within both the Family Court of Australia and the Federal Circuit Court.
Staff cannot provide legal advice but can provide clients with forms and procedural information regarding:
Staff cannot provide legal advice but can provide clients with forms and procedural information regarding:
39-41 Davey Street, Hobart, 7001, TAS
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Girls Gotta Know is a legal information initiative for young women, created by Women’s Legal Service Tasmania.
We believe that knowledge is power – use it.
A comprehensive resource for young women from right around Australia, you'll find access to every day information like voting, jury duty, bank accounts and credit cards, through to more complex topics like relationships and the law, or employment issues. When you need help or more information, Girls Gotta Know can also point you in the direction of a service or website who can help you with a more specific question.
Women’s Legal Service Tasmania is a free community legal service funded by the Commonwealth Attorney General’s Department. We provide advice, information, representation, referral, education and from time to time we lobby for better laws for women. We are part of Women’s Legal Services Australia, a national network of community legal services specialising in women’s legal issues, and we are also a part of the National Association of Community Legal Centres (NACLC).
We believe that knowledge is power – use it.
A comprehensive resource for young women from right around Australia, you'll find access to every day information like voting, jury duty, bank accounts and credit cards, through to more complex topics like relationships and the law, or employment issues. When you need help or more information, Girls Gotta Know can also point you in the direction of a service or website who can help you with a more specific question.
Women’s Legal Service Tasmania is a free community legal service funded by the Commonwealth Attorney General’s Department. We provide advice, information, representation, referral, education and from time to time we lobby for better laws for women. We are part of Women’s Legal Services Australia, a national network of community legal services specialising in women’s legal issues, and we are also a part of the National Association of Community Legal Centres (NACLC).
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124 Goldie Street, Wynyard, 7325, TAS
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166 Macquarie Street, Hobart, 7000, TAS
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Jennifer acts as Counsel in Criminal defence, Civil and Family Law matters. She has special interest in child protection, mental health, disability and discrimination cases.
Jennifer also has a particular interest in appellant support generally and for human rights issues such as 'indefinite detention' and 'wrongful conviction'. Opinions and briefings in this and other criminal areas are offered.
Republic Chambers is the home for the Prisoners Advisory Legal Service, which offers clinics for inmates looking for assistance with parole applications.
In partnership with University of Tasmania Law School and Greg Barns, volunteer students attend both clinics and her chambers in order to provide valuable resources that encourage prisoner's rehabilitation.
Jennifer offers a dispute resolution mediation service, with the view that litigation should become the last resort. She is accredited with the Resolution Institute.
Jennifer also has a particular interest in appellant support generally and for human rights issues such as 'indefinite detention' and 'wrongful conviction'. Opinions and briefings in this and other criminal areas are offered.
Republic Chambers is the home for the Prisoners Advisory Legal Service, which offers clinics for inmates looking for assistance with parole applications.
In partnership with University of Tasmania Law School and Greg Barns, volunteer students attend both clinics and her chambers in order to provide valuable resources that encourage prisoner's rehabilitation.
Jennifer offers a dispute resolution mediation service, with the view that litigation should become the last resort. She is accredited with the Resolution Institute.
Suite 1, 81 Salamanca Place, Hobart, 7000, TAS
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4/3 Clifford Court, Howrah TAS 7018
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The Launceston Community Legal Centre (LCLC) is a not-for-profit incorporated association that provides free, non means tested legal advice and assistance to all members of the Tasmanian community. The LCLC consists of a small team of dedicated solicitors, advocates and administrative staff, providing services in the areas of general law, family law, employment law, welfare rights and disability discrimination. We also facilitate legal 'outreach' to rural, regional and remote communities and have a highly successful volunteer-based 'legal literacy' program. The aim of this program is to increase individual and community awareness and confidence around everyday legal issues by providing practical help with filling out forms, understanding documents, sorting out papers, dealing with authorities and generally protecting the rights of individuals.
Suite 17, Level 1, 97a York Street, Launceston, 7250, TAS
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28 Murray Street, Hobart, 7000, TAS
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Lawsyst is a revolutionary case management software for law firms that enables lawyers to manage their cases more effectively. It provides a single platform where lawyers can track the progress of all their cases, store important case documents, and communicate with clients and other professionals involved in the case. Lawsyst also offers a wide range of features such as time tracking, billing, and reporting, making it the perfect solution for law firms of all sizes.
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
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We provide a free, accessible, primarily generalist legal service promoting self-help, law reform, community legal education and participation to the most vulnerable in our community.
As a registered charity, we seek to achieve a legal system that is accessible to all persons regardless of social or financial circumstances.
We value access to justice through assisting those within our community who are of straitened financial circumstances or who are in any way underprivileged, vulnerable, disadvantaged, helpless, distressed or impoverished irrespective of gender, culture, race, age, sexual preference, disability or ethnicity.
As a registered charity, we seek to achieve a legal system that is accessible to all persons regardless of social or financial circumstances.
We value access to justice through assisting those within our community who are of straitened financial circumstances or who are in any way underprivileged, vulnerable, disadvantaged, helpless, distressed or impoverished irrespective of gender, culture, race, age, sexual preference, disability or ethnicity.
56 Formby Road, Devonport, TAS
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Tasmania Legal Aid is an independent statutory body.
We provide legal information and advice, representation, minor assistance, mediation and legal education to all Tasmanians.
Our purpose is to enable our diverse Tasmanian community to access legal services, address their legal problems, understand their rights, navigate the legal system and get the assistance they need. We work towards a vision that the Tasmanian community is safe, respected and has their voices heard. To achieve this we work with our clients, staff, legal partners and community for better laws and an effective legal system.
We provide legal information and advice, representation, minor assistance, mediation and legal education to all Tasmanians.
Our purpose is to enable our diverse Tasmanian community to access legal services, address their legal problems, understand their rights, navigate the legal system and get the assistance they need. We work towards a vision that the Tasmanian community is safe, respected and has their voices heard. To achieve this we work with our clients, staff, legal partners and community for better laws and an effective legal system.
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50 Alexander Street, Burnie, 7320, TAS
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8 Griffith Street, Devonport, 7310, TAS
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158 Liverpool Street, Hobart, 7000, TAS
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64 Cameron Street, Launceston, 7250, TAS
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Women’s Legal Service Tasmania provides a free and confidential statewide service for women, with offices in Hobart, Burnie and Launceston. We operate a statewide telephone advice line, as well as specialist family violence units in Burnie and Launceston, specifically for women in the north-west and northern regions of Tasmania who are experiencing, or who have experienced, family violence.
North Hobart, 7002, TAS
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North Hobart, 7002, TAS
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North Hobart, 7002, TAS