North West & Western Tasmania

Tasmania Legal Aid provide legal advice, representation, family dispute resolution services and legal education to the Tasmanian community. Our focus is on economically and socially disadvantaged Tasmanians.

Our services have a deep reach into the Tasmanian community. We help large numbers of Tasmanians through our telephone advice service and our many face-to-face services.

Services Include:

Family Court Duty Lawyer

At the Family Court anyone can ask for the Duty Lawyer for information about what happens in court and how to prepare for court. The Duty Lawyer is available on all duty list days. The Duty Lawyer can give free advice and may, in limited circumstances provide assistance with preparing documents.  The Hobart Duty Lawyer is available for advice and assistance every Monday (except public  holidays) between 1pm until 3pm and Wednesday 9:30am until 1pm and 2pm until 4pm.  The Launceston Duty Lawyer is available every Monday (except public holidays) from 9:30am until 12 noon and from 1pm until 4pm.

Family Violence—Safe at Home

The Safe at Home Lawyer can provide free advice, assistance and representation to victims of family violence in Hobart, Launceston, Devonport and Burnie.

The Safe at Home Lawyer can also provide appropriate referrals to the Court Support Liaison Service, the Family Violence Counselling & Support Service and the Police Victim Safety Response Teams.

Family Advocacy Support Service

The Family Advocacy and Support Service (FASS) is a free service providing assistance to families with family law matters who have been affected by family violence. This service includes the FASS Duty Lawyer Service and the FASS Social Support Service. The FASS Duty Lawyer can:

Assist with legal advice, information and referral in relation to family law matters, family violence matters and child protection matters;
Draft simple court documents in matters involving allegations of family violence;
Help you gather information and evidence about family violence;
Provide representation in court to assist you to progress your matter where there have been allegations of family violence;
Provide representation in court in urgent interim matters where there have been allegations of family violence;
Assist you with advice and advocacy where you may have family violence and/or child protection matters in the state Magistrates Courts as well as matters in the Family Law Courts.

Free Telephone Advice Service

Call us on 1300 366 611, Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm and speak to one of our lawyers. During busy times you may need to leave your name and number for a lawyer to return your call within one business day. Calls will be returned Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm. Everyone can receive free legal advice from Legal Aid Tasmania through our telephone advice service

Walk In Legal Advice Service

Come in for free legal advice. If you need representation, we can advise you and make an application for Legal Aid:
Tuesday and Thursday12:30pm to 1:30pm50 Alexander Street Burnie TAS 7320

Location Details
03 6432 5055
03 6432 5000
1300 366 611
50 Alexander Street, Burnie, 7320, TAS
Postal Address
PO Box 550 Burnie 7320