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838 East Derwent Highway, Risdon Cove, 7017
Relationships Australia Tasmania offers a culturally sensitive counselling and community development service for Aboriginal individuals, families and communities.
Staff work closely with Aboriginal community members and organisations to identify and provide support appropriate to community needs.
68 North Fenton Street, Devonport, 7310, TAS
Relationships Australia Tasmania offers a culturally sensitive counselling and community development service for Aboriginal individuals, families and communities in northern Tasmanian including Flinders and Cape Barren Islands.
Staff work closely with Aboriginal community members and organisations to identify and provide support appropriate to community needs.
6 Paterson Street, Launceston, 7250, TAS
Relationships Australia Tasmania offers a culturally sensitive counselling and community development service for Aboriginal individuals, families and communities.

Staff work closely with Aboriginal community members and organisations to identify and provide support appropriate to community needs.
20 Clare Street, New Town, 7008, TAS
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Room 18, 2nd Floor, McDougall Building, Ellerslie Rd, Battery Point
Principal: Andrea Trezise
Associate: Hannah Phillips
Suite 15 Coulter Court, 87-91 Brisbane Street, Launceston, 7250, TAS
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146 Elizabeth Street Hobart 7000
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89 Oldaker Street, Devonport, 7310, TAS
First Floor, 119 Macquarie Street, Hobart, 7000, TAS
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56 Warwick Street, Hobart, 7000, TAS
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Most people in Australia have some experience with anxiety and depression, whether it is personal or via family, friends or work colleagues. In any one year, around 1 million people in Australia experience depression, and over 2 million experience anxiety.

beyondblue is an independent, not-for-profit organisation working to increase awareness and understanding of anxiety and depression in Australia and to reduce the associated stigma. beyondblue works across a range of settings and brings together expertise in order to provide information and programs to support those affected by anxiety and depression, and improve the mental health of every person in Australia.

You can visit the website to find information about depression, anxiety and suicide, available treatments, recovery and staying well. There are also personal stories and an online forum for people to share their experiences and offer encouragement and hope to others.
Centreway Arcade, 19 Paterson Street, Launceston, 7250, TAS
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120 Main Road, Moonah, 7009, TAS
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Blue Knot Foundation, formerly Adults Surviving Child Abuse (ASCA), is the leading national organisation working to improve the lives of 1 in 4 adult Australians (five million) who have experienced childhood trauma. This includes people who have experienced child abuse in all its forms, neglect, domestic violence in childhood and other adverse childhood events. This is known as complex trauma.

Blue Knot Foundation is a policy and practice leader in both clinical and trauma-informed responses to complex trauma. We provide short term phone counselling support, information, resources, tools and workshops to help survivors and their friends, families, partners and loved ones live better lives.

Blue Knot Foundation also provides professional development training, supervision, consultancy and other services to practitioners, organisations and diverse personnel who work with survivors across sectors.
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Blue Knot Foundation, formerly Adults Surviving Child Abuse (ASCA), is the leading national organisation working to improve the lives of 1 in 4 adult Australians (five million) who have experienced childhood trauma. This includes people who have experienced child abuse in all its forms, neglect, domestic violence in childhood and other adverse childhood events. This is known as complex trauma.

Blue Knot Foundation is a policy and practice leader in both clinical and trauma-informed responses to complex trauma. We provide short term phone counselling support, information, resources, tools and workshops to help survivors and their friends, families, partners and loved ones live better lives.

Blue Knot Foundation also provides professional development training, supervision, consultancy and other services to practitioners, organisations and diverse personnel who work with survivors across sectors.
20 Murray Street, Hobart, 7000, TAS
18 Clare Street, New Town, 7008, TAS
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Group Services are available to Individuals and Families. Please note that not all groups are run in each region and all groups are run subject to numbers. For further information please contact your nearest CatholicCare office or visit our website.
85 Best Street, Devonport, 7310, TAS
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Group Services are available to Individuals and Families. Please note that not all groups are run in each region and all groups are run subject to numbers. For further information please contact your nearest CatholicCare office or visit our website.
35 Tower Road, New Town, 7008, TAS
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2b Myella Drive, Berriedale, 7011, TAS