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838 East Derwent Highway, Risdon Cove, 7017
Relationships Australia Tasmania offers a culturally sensitive counselling and community development service for Aboriginal individuals, families and communities.
Staff work closely with Aboriginal community members and organisations to identify and provide support appropriate to community needs.
68 North Fenton Street, Devonport, 7310, TAS
Relationships Australia Tasmania offers a culturally sensitive counselling and community development service for Aboriginal individuals, families and communities in northern Tasmanian including Flinders and Cape Barren Islands.
Staff work closely with Aboriginal community members and organisations to identify and provide support appropriate to community needs.
6 Paterson Street, Launceston, 7250, TAS
Relationships Australia Tasmania offers a culturally sensitive counselling and community development service for Aboriginal individuals, families and communities.

Staff work closely with Aboriginal community members and organisations to identify and provide support appropriate to community needs.
20 Clare Street, New Town, 7008, TAS
Directory Listing Title
15 West St, Lady Baron, Flinders Island, 7255, TAS
Directory Listing Title
53 Alexander Street, Burnie, 7320, TAS
182 Charles Street, Launceston, 7250, TAS
This service is provided in partnership with Cornerstone Youth Services to engage young Aboriginal people and their families in addressing issues related to drug and alcohol misuse.

The Young Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Service (yAdas) provides counselling and support, outreach, group work and community work in a culturally respectful way.
6 Paterson Street, Launceston, 7250, TAS