Southern Tasmania
Provides legal service and advice for Aborigines.

The Tasmanian Aboriginal Community Legal Service (TACLS)  have offices in Hobart and Launceston and provide legal services, advice and representation across the state. Our team is made up of experienced lawyers, client service officers from community and dedicated administrative staff.

TACLS strives to:

Promote social justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples;
Promote the right of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to empowerment, identity and culture;
Ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples enjoy their rights, are aware of their responsibilities under the law and have access to appropriate advice, assistance and representation;
Reduce the disproportionate involvement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the criminal justice system; and
Promote the review of legislation and other practices which discriminate against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.

TACLS is both an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service (ATSIL) and a Community Legal Centre (CLC). This means we are:

a member of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services, the peak national body for all ATSILS, and regularly attend meetings;
a member of CLC Tas, the state body representing CLCs across the state.

TACLS provides Family Law assistance.

The type of Family Law work TACLS does is:

Family matters (not property matters);
Department of Human Services disputes (child protection);
Family Violence Intervention Orders-applicant or respondent;
General assistance completing forms.
TACLS’ family lawyers service the Federal Circuit and Family Law Courts in Tasmania.


Location Details
03 6281 3454
03 6281 3456
Suite 2, Level 4, 152 Macquarie St, Hobart