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Most people in Australia have some experience with anxiety and depression, whether it is personal or via family, friends or work colleagues. In any one year, around 1 million people in Australia experience depression, and over 2 million experience anxiety.

beyondblue is an independent, not-for-profit organisation working to increase awareness and understanding of anxiety and depression in Australia and to reduce the associated stigma. beyondblue works across a range of settings and brings together expertise in order to provide information and programs to support those affected by anxiety and depression, and improve the mental health of every person in Australia.

You can visit the website to find information about depression, anxiety and suicide, available treatments, recovery and staying well. There are also personal stories and an online forum for people to share their experiences and offer encouragement and hope to others.
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Dragonfly Counselling and Consulting is a private practice offering professional support to individuals or couples.
55 Best Street Devonport
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6 Florence Street, Moonah, 7009, TAS
MHFFTas promotes and improves the wellbeing of families and friends of people affected by mental ill health through support and education.
MHFFTas provides systemic advocacy from a family and friends perspective drawing on lived experience to improve mental health services.
2 Terry St, Glenorchy TAS 7010
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Launceston, 7250, TAS
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Service delivery of Mental Health Services in the North West of Tasmania is managed by Tasmania Health Services - North West.

The North West Adult Community Mental Health Service has central locations in both Devonport and Burnie. The Child & Adolescent and the Older Persons Community Mental Health Services are located within Burnie. The community teams deliver services to the entire North West region.
The inpatient unit, Spencer Clinic, is located within the North West Regional Hospital at Burnie.
All services, irrespective of location, deliver services to the entire North West region.
Ground Floor 175 Collins Street, Hobart, 7000, TAS
13-115 St John Street, Launceston, 7250, TAS
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9 Arnold Street, Penguin, 7316, TAS
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11 Barton Street, Mowbray, 7248, TAS
Unit 11, 7-9 Lugana Crescent, Ulverstone, 7315, TAS
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41 Mount St Burnie TAS 7320
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136 Davey Street, Hobart TAS 7000
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6-18 George Street, Launceston, 7250, TAS