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Blue Knot Foundation, formerly Adults Surviving Child Abuse (ASCA), is the leading national organisation working to improve the lives of 1 in 4 adult Australians (five million) who have experienced childhood trauma. This includes people who have experienced child abuse in all its forms, neglect, domestic violence in childhood and other adverse childhood events. This is known as complex trauma.

Blue Knot Foundation is a policy and practice leader in both clinical and trauma-informed responses to complex trauma. We provide short term phone counselling support, information, resources, tools and workshops to help survivors and their friends, families, partners and loved ones live better lives.

Blue Knot Foundation also provides professional development training, supervision, consultancy and other services to practitioners, organisations and diverse personnel who work with survivors across sectors.
Our staff are experienced psychologists, educators and policy experts who are well-equipped to create positive childhood experiences through our award-winning community education programs, national case review platform, training workshops and child safe organisation solutions.
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Choose Life Services - CLS is a not for profit charitable organisation offering hope specifically to those struggling with life issues that may lead to suicidal thoughts and behaviours and to those who are impacted by suicide.
CLS offers professional counselling at no cost to those struggling with thoughts of suicide, suicide, are facing significant life issues or who have been confronted with the suicide of a family member or friend.
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A free clinical psychology and general counselling service.
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Dragonfly Counselling and Consulting is a private practice offering professional support to individuals or couples.
55 Best Street Devonport
16 West St, Lady Baron,, Flinders Island, 7255, TAS
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People call when they feel; Lonely, Angry, Distressed, Confused, Depressed, Suicidal.

And,when they are living with; Grief, Addiction, Homelessness, Despair, Abuse, Relationship Issues.

Now would you like time to; Cry and be Nurtured? Ease your doubt and anxiety? Reflect and reprioritise your day?

When you call the helpline; Your call may be taken by someone who has experienced what you have!

A trained, caring telephone befriended accompanies you, but it's your journey.
Open Arms Veterans & Families Counselling
Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service provides counselling and group programs to Australian veterans, peacekeepers and their families. It is a specialised, free and confidential Australia-wide service.
VVCS staff are qualified psychologists or social workers with experience in working with veterans, peacekeepers and their families. They can provide a wide range of treatments and programs for war and service-related mental health conditions including post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
247 Wellington St, Launceston
Mersey Community Care Association, 167 Steele St, Devonport
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Parents Beyond Breakup (PBB) is an Australian Suicide Prevention Charity

Our focus is on supporting separating mums, dads and grandparents. In terms of numbers, this group is amongst Australia's most at risk (of suicide) demographic. Our support operates remotely by phone and online, and in-person within communities across Australia through frontline programs Dads in Distress (DIDs), Mums in Distress (MIDs) and Grandparents in Distress (GIDs). All support is free, confidential, peer based and non judgemental. PBB is one of Australia's most cost and impact effective suicide prevention services - bang for buck, PBB provides a leading option for charitable donation. Peer support. Give Some. Get Some.
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At Positive Solutions our registered psychologists can provide psychological treatment for individuals for a wide range of issues.
165-167 Davey Street, Hobart
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At Positive Solutions our registered psychologists can provide psychological treatment for individuals for a wide range of issues. Services are available via telehealth from our Hobart office.
165-167 Davey Street, Hobart
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At Positive Solutions our registered psychologists can provide psychological treatment for individuals for a wide range of issues. Services are available by Telehealth from our Hobart office.
165-167 Davey Street, Hobart
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64 Invermay Road, Launceston, 7250, TAS