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27 Paterson Street, Launceston, 7250, TAS
Level 2 KGV Sports and Community Centre, 1A Anfield St, Glenorchy TAS, 7010
Directory Listing Title
27 Paterson Street, Launceston, 7250, TAS
Directory Listing Title
Level 2 KGV Sports and Community Centre, 1A Anfield Street, Glenorchy TAS 7010
Provides advocacy, training & education, community consultation, emotional/practical support, policy development, liaison and referral.
The Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) is an interpreting service provided by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection for people who do not speak English and for agencies and businesses that need to communicate with their non-English speaking clients.

TIS National has:

More than 40 years of experience in the interpreting industry.
Access to over 2900 contracted interpreters across Australia.
Access in interpreters speaking more than 160 languages.