Southern Tasmania
Integrated Family Support Services
Integrated Family Support (IFSS) is a voluntary service focused on building the safety and wellbeing and safety of children, young people and families by providing support and resources to build family strengths, resilience and capacity. The service provides early intervention for children and families at risk by supporting the family to identify, resolve and address issues in order to prevent any further involvement with Child Safety.

Who we assist
Integrated Family Support Service assists families at risk of Child Safety intervention. This may be due to issues with parenting, D&A, mental health, DV, disability, financial are more.

Eligibility criteria
Families with parent(s)/ guardians and children under the age of 18 years old that may require support in parenting and linking to other service supports to increase family relationships. To be eligible for the Integrated Family Support Service, families must be referred through the SFSK Advice and Referral Line and assessed there as having significant risk of Child Safety involvement.

Referral process
Referrals are received through the Strong Families, Safe Kids Advice and Referral line, and assessed and allocated there.

Location Details
03 6275 2654
Contact Name
Jenny Reynolds
03 6236 7900
2b Myella Drive, Berriedale, 7011, TAS