Southern Tasmania
Family and Relationships Law

Just as no two people are the same, no two families are alike. We will listen to your issues and concerns and work to achieve the best possible outcome for you. Family law matters can be complicated, not to mention fraught with emotion, and so our team will try to minimise and explain confusing legal jargon.
At Blissenden Lawyers you’ll get a straightforward assessment of your case and honest advice about the likely outcome. We’ll clearly explain how the law applies to your specific situation and recommend the best course of action, and then we’ll assist you with your case - every step of the way.

Services Included
Property matters - division of property, spouse maintenance, superannuation splitting, taxation issues, valuation issues, pre-nuptial and other binding financial agreements.
Issues re your children - who will they live with, how much time they will spend with the other parent, relocation, child support and the rights of grandparents.
Defacto relationships including same sex relationships- property entitlements and financial arrangements.
Separation and divorce - dissolution applications and rights on separation.
Family violence orders and restraint orders.
Family and Federal Circuit Court - representation in family law matters.
The Family Law team at Blissenden Lawyers include Robert Blissenden, Michael Crisp and Mark Herd.
Location Details
03 6272 7855
03 6272 7766
120 Main Road, Moonah, 7009, TAS
Postal Address
PO Box 818, Moonah, 7009