North West & Western Tasmania
We provide a free, accessible, primarily generalist legal service promoting self-help, law reform, community legal education and participation to the most vulnerable in our community.

As a registered charity, we seek to achieve a legal system that is accessible to all persons regardless of social or financial circumstances.

We value access to justice through assisting those within our community who are of straitened financial circumstances or who are in any way underprivileged, vulnerable, disadvantaged, helpless, distressed or impoverished irrespective of gender, culture, race, age, sexual preference, disability or ethnicity.

We are a free one off advice and referral Center. We do not conduct in Court representation or ongoing case work, unless the case work is approved in exceptional circumstances.

Services Included
General Family Law
03 6424 8720
56 Formby Road, Devonport, TAS
Postal Address
PO Box 743 Devonport TAS 7310