North West & Western Tasmania

Taz Kids Clubs and Camps

Camps and Clubs for your Tasmanians aged 7-17 who have a parent or guardian impacted by mental health issues.

When someone in the family is struggling with mental health related issues, they’re not the only ones who feel the stress. Sometimes kids need a supportive environment where they can connect with other kids in similar situations

What are Taz Kids Camps?

Taz kids Camps run during the school holidays
They run for 2-5 days
They run at Camp Clayton in the North, and Camp Blue Lagoon in the South.
Camps give young people an opportunity to make new friends, be part of a team, get outdoors and have fun.
Taz Kids Clubs run for seven weeks in Primary and High schools around Tasmania
They are a safe environment where young people can ask questions and learn information about mental health.
A place for young people to have fun, play games and learn coping and resilience
Clubs provide a peer group for children to better support each other

Taz Kids also offer:

Family Days to aquatic centres, water slides, bowling alleys and skate centres
Parenting support and workshops
Leadership opportunities for teenagers
Promotion of positive mental health.

All activities are provided free of change and are facilitated by qualified experienced staff from Anglicare.


This is a free statewide service.


Mental Health Info with Young People in MYnd! Is a new resource featuring information about a range of mental health issues including depression, anxiety, cyber-bullying, eating disorders and self-harm. This is a free download for your PC’s or smartphones and provides a fun and interactive way for young people to get as much info as possible so that they can get the help they need for themselves or someone else.

Download here (

Referral Process

Contact us if you, a family member or a client would like to access this service.

Call on 1800 243 232 (FREE CALL)

1800 243 232 (FREE CALL)