Northern Tasmania

Doorways Centres
The Doorways Philosophy embodies The Salvation Army’s mission to transform lives and care for people without discrimination.

The Salvation Army’s Doorways Philosophy has a central focus on supporting clients in times of crisis, while concurrently helping clients build their individual capacity and resilience. In this context The Salvation Army is delivering services that have a focus on providing clients with a “hand up” not a “hand out”.

The Salvation Army has 25 Emergency Relief sites across Tasmania, 14 of these are located in Corp. Centres with an additional 10 sites operating from brokerage sites, please refer to website for more information and your local doorways centre.

Doorways Key Features:

Early intervention.
Capacity building and developing health and well being.
Trusting relationships.
A client centred approach.
Strengths based approach.
Culturally appropriate.

Effective partnerships

Doorways Support & Referral:

Emergency Relief
Financial Counselling
Parenting Programs
Employment Services
Emotional Support
Educational Programs
Legal Services
Drug & Alcohol Services
Community Groups
Pastoral & Chaplaincy Services

Location Details
03 6231 0276
03 6323 7500
111 Elizabeth Street, Launceston, 7250, TAS
Postal Address
PO Box 3004