Growing up is a tough journey for everyone in a family, and rifts can form. But bridges can be built. Reconnect helps you to reconcile with your family.
Want to help your family understand you? They may have a lot to learn about what it's like growing up these days, and maybe you can help them to understand.
Reconnect is for you f you are 12-18 years old and are no longer feeling welcome at home, Reconnect is a free program that you can use to build bridges with your family.
Reconnect can help you with:
one to one counselling
mediation between you and your family
support and encouragement
opportunities to get involved with education, training, work, and community activities
Referral Process:
Contact us if you would like access to this service. You can telephone directly or you can walk into the Burnie or Devonport offices and get in touch with a Reconnect worker,
You can also be referred by someone at your school, community or hospital, or by a social worker at any Community Service or Anglicare branch. Contact us if your client or patient would like to access this service.
Ph 1800 243 232 (FREE CALL)