Northern Tasmania
Family Dispute Resolution, Information & Referral Service

The Launceston Family Relationship Centre provides confidential information, support and referrals for families as well as individual appointments, information sessions and family dispute resolution (mediation) for separating or separated families in relation to parenting matters.

Family dispute resolution is a three step process as follows:
1. Individual intake and assessment.
2. Education session regarding children's needs.
3. Joint family dispute resolution session(s).

This process may take some time, as we need to invite and go through steps 1 & 2 with both parents. At the same time we will do our best to avoid unreasonable delays.
Advice and information may be given in relation to children and parenting matters, focusing on 'the best interests of the child'. As well as parents, we can assist grandparents or other family members who would like to talk about the needs of related children.

The LFRC program is funded by the Australian Government so that fees are waived for a specific number of sessions. Following this, fees are charged.
Location Details
03 6337 6555
Disability Access
Ground floor, wheelchair, metered parking in front of Centre
Mon-Fri 9.00am - 5.00pm
1300 364 277
6 Paterson St, Launceston TAS 7250