Southern Tasmania

We have a team of lawyers able to assist in all aspects of family and relationships law. Our lawyers regularly appear in the Federal Circuit Court and Family Court of Australia and have extensive experience as counsel in final hearings.

We understand that the breakdown of a relationship can be a stressful and sensitive time and we aim to resolve matters without resorting to litigation, where possible.

Services Included
Parenting arrangements, relocation of children, and children’s matters;
Division of property and superannuation;
Child protection;
Child support;
Divorce orders;
Family violence orders;
Protection for and recognition of same-sex de facto relationships; and
Financial agreements including pre-marriage agreements.
Location Details
03 6210 0099
Contact Name
David Harper
03 6210 0000
59 Harrington Street, Hobart, 7000, TAS
Postal Address
GPO Box 20 Hobart Tasmania 7001