State Wide Tasmania
Positive Solutions are strongly connected to the Tasmanian community through 30 years of service delivery. We provide mediation, counselling and EAP to individuals, families and workplaces across Tasmania.

We deliver a confidential and impartial service to separating couples and families who are wanting to resolve issues around parenting arrangements, property and finances.

Our experienced and nationally accredited FDR practitioners assist parties to negotiate effectively towards a mutually agreeable resolution. We also support people with relevant information and resources, referrals to our services such as individual counselling and post- separation counselling along with referrals to relevant external services.

Family dispute resolution is a child centred process, focussed on children’s best interests and keeping children at the centre of all negotiations. Child Inclusive mediation is offered to parents who would like to give their children a voice in the process and who want to continue to provide or cultivate a secure emotional base for their development.

Engagement in child inclusive involves three steps:
• The child inclusive practitioner meets with the parents individually to discuss their child
• The child attends an individual appointment with the child inclusive practitioner
• The child inclusive practitioner gives feedback to the parents and the mediator

The parents then continue to discuss arrangements for the children based on the feedback from the child’s session.

Child inclusive may not be possible where children are unable to communicate their views due to age or developmental stage or where one parent does not consent to the process.

Child inclusive sessions are not an on-going therapeutic or diagnostic service for children but they can provide relief to children who are experiencing family separation.

Services Included
Positive Solutions’ post-separation services include:
• Family Dispute Resolution or mediation
• Child Inclusive mediation
• Post-separation counselling
• Individual Counselling
Monday-Friday 9am-5pm