Southern Tasmania

Helping people to establish and maintain healthy relationships

If you and your significant other would like to work on your relationship, you can access the Family Relationships Counselling Service.

Counselling can be beneficial for relationships. Whether you've just got together, been together a couple for years or are separated, working on communication is always worth the active effort. Counselling can help you communicate better, manage emotions, and become better parents.

With a counsellor, you can also discuss your own family origins and the issues around repartnering and step-parenting.

If you need to resolve sexual or intimacy issues or manage the end of a relationship, counselling can help you.

Costs Involved:

Fees are charged according to ability to pay.

As a guide, $1 for every thousand dollars of annual family income is the usual contribution per session.

Clients who hold a Health Care Card or Pensioner Card are exempt.

Referral Process:

Contact us if you, a family member or client would like to access the service.

Ph: 1800 243 232 (FREE CALL)

1800 243 232 (FREE CALL)