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Relationships Australia Tasmania offers a culturally sensitive counselling and community development service for Aboriginal individuals, families and communities.
Staff work closely with Aboriginal community members and organisations to identify and provide support appropriate to community needs.
68 North Fenton Street, Devonport, 7310, TAS
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89 Oldaker Street, Devonport, 7310, TAS
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Most people in Australia have some experience with anxiety and depression, whether it is personal or via family, friends or work colleagues. In any one year, around 1 million people in Australia experience depression, and over 2 million experience anxiety.

beyondblue is an independent, not-for-profit organisation working to increase awareness and understanding of anxiety and depression in Australia and to reduce the associated stigma. beyondblue works across a range of settings and brings together expertise in order to provide information and programs to support those affected by anxiety and depression, and improve the mental health of every person in Australia.

You can visit the website to find information about depression, anxiety and suicide, available treatments, recovery and staying well. There are also personal stories and an online forum for people to share their experiences and offer encouragement and hope to others.
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Blue Knot Foundation, formerly Adults Surviving Child Abuse (ASCA), is the leading national organisation working to improve the lives of 1 in 4 adult Australians (five million) who have experienced childhood trauma. This includes people who have experienced child abuse in all its forms, neglect, domestic violence in childhood and other adverse childhood events. This is known as complex trauma.

Blue Knot Foundation is a policy and practice leader in both clinical and trauma-informed responses to complex trauma. We provide short term phone counselling support, information, resources, tools and workshops to help survivors and their friends, families, partners and loved ones live better lives.

Blue Knot Foundation also provides professional development training, supervision, consultancy and other services to practitioners, organisations and diverse personnel who work with survivors across sectors.
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Group Services are available to Individuals and Families. Please note that not all groups are run in each region and all groups are run subject to numbers. For further information please contact your nearest CatholicCare office or visit our website.
85 Best Street, Devonport, 7310, TAS
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Devonport or, Burnie Magistrates Court, , TAS
Level 1 - 41 Mount Street, Burnie, 7320, TAS
The Child, Youth and Family Engagement program (CYFE) is anearly intervention and prevention support service that assists vulnerable families with children and young people who are at risk of developing, or are affected by mental health issues.
CYFE provides a professional and confidential service to children, young people and their families. While focusing on the strengths of the family and building resilience within the family, children and young people remain the primary focus, ensuring their voices are heard and responded to.
CYFE assists children and young people in developing their own individualised plan.
Practical assistance is provided for the whole family to support children and young people in their mental health and wellbeing goals, including information, referral and education.
Level 1 - 41 Mount Street, Burnie, 7320, TAS
A service providing safe and positive contact arrangements for children to spend time with their parent or other significant person.
The Children's Contact Service makes it possible for contact arrangements to take place with a minimum of stress both for children and their parents. It can also help with establishing or building a relationship between a child and parent when there has been a period of limited or no contact.
68 North Fenton Street, Devonport, 7310, TAS
CatholicCare offers individual counselling and group programmes to children affected by many issues, including trauma, separation, grief and family violence. Children often don’t have the words to tell us what they are experiencing, instead they may show us how they are feeling by behaving in ways that we find challenging. Counselling and group-work programmes are available to support and encourage them to communicate their feelings and experiences. This is achieved through offering a range of age-appropriate expressive therapies that best support this process. Ongoing parental involvement in children’s counselling is encouraged and is in the best interests of your children.
CatholicCare has trained children’s counsellors that can assist children in many ways.
108 Mount Street, Burnie, 7320, TAS
CatholicCare offers individual counselling and group programmes to children affected by many issues, including trauma, separation, grief and family violence. Children often don’t have the words to tell us what they are experiencing, instead they may show us how they are feeling by behaving in ways that we find challenging. Counselling and group-work programmes are available to support and encourage them to communicate their feelings and experiences. This is achieved through offering a range of age-appropriate expressive therapies that best support this process. Ongoing parental involvement in children’s counselling is encouraged and is in the best interests of CatholicCare has trained children’s counsellors that can assist children in many ways.
85 Best Street, Devonport, 7310, TAS
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CLS is a not for profit charitable organisation offering hope specifically to those struggling with life issues that may lead to suicidal thoughts and behaviours and to those who are impacted by suicide.
CLS offers professional counselling at no cost to those struggling with thoughts of suicide, suicide, are facing significant life issues or who have been confronted with the suicide of a family member or friend.
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City Kitchen, an outreach of City Mission exists to meet the needs of individuals and families challenged by social circumstances and in need of a sustaining meal. The City Kitchen program provides (without fee): hot thick soups and nourishing stew in the winter months; filled bread rolls or wraps and sandwiches in summer months, plus hot and cold drinks, to all people requiring this service within the Burnie and Wynyard, and Smithton areas. This program also carries a selection of jumpers, jackets, beanies, gloves/mittens, blankets and “comfort packs” containing a doona and cover, pillow and cover, towel and washer, plus toiletries. These items are donated by City Mission and also by caring for citizens along the NW coast.
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56 Formby Road, Devonport, TAS
The Community trailer outreach program operates in both the North (Launceston) and along the North West of the state and works in partnership with other community groups such as Neighbourhood Houses, PCYC and local schools. Mobile in nature and operating within many of the most disadvantaged areas in and around Launceston and the North West of Tasmania the trailer provides no cost food, beverages and recreational activities to the community. The trailer program also supports other community services organisations activities and fund raising events. It uses these events as a point of contact with the public allowing for opportunities to offer support, advice, referrals to those in need.
57 Mount street, Burnie, 7320, TAS
Relationships Australia Tasmania provides a safe and supportive environment for families where there is a family member with a disability. The service aims to enhance relationships and provide support.
68 North Fenton Street, Devonport, 7310, TAS
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Dragonfly Counselling and Consulting is a private practice offering professional support to individuals or couples.
55 Best Street Devonport
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Dragonfly Counselling and Consulting is a private practice offering professional support to individuals or couples.
55 Best Street Devonport
The Family Advocacy and Support Service (FASS) is an integrated service to help people with their legal and social needs.
Legal Aid Commission of Tasmania 50 Alexander Street Burnie
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The Family Focus Drug Support Service aims to provide professional, accessible and timely support for persons with problematic substance abuse issues. In addition, the Family Drug Support Service offers much needed support and assistance for family members and/or significant others in coping with the stress associated with a persons drug use.
In line with the vision, mission and values of Youth and Family Focus, the Family Drug Support Service aims to achieve outcomes that allow young people to positively contribute to their family and the community. The Family Drug Support Service is dedicated to providing accessible services to the wider Mersey Leven area through increased outreach support to young people, families and significant others.
81 Oldaker Street, Devonport, 7310, TAS
68 North Fenton Street, Devonport, 7310, TAS
The Family Violence Counselling and Support Service (FVCSS) is a statewide Tasmanian Government service that provides professional specialised services to assist children, young people and adults impacted by the experience of family violence.
FVCSS is a free service that works with adults and children who have been identified as victims of domestic/family violence.
FVCSS is part of the whole-of-government Safe at Home strategy to address the issue of family violence in the Tasmanian community.
In Tasmania Family Violence is recognised as a crime and as a form of Child Abuse.

FVCSS is divided into two programmes, which are the Children and Young Persons Program and the Adult Program.
The Children and Young Persons’ Program (CHYPP) provides therapeutic counselling and support to children and young people affected by domestic/family violence.