North West & Western Tasmania
Suicide Prevention Organisation
Lifeline provides access to crisis support, suicide prevention and mental health support services.
Somewhere in Australia there is a new call to Lifeline every minute.

People call Lifeline’s 24 hour crisis support service 13 11 14 about many things.

Lifeline provides access to crisis support, suicide prevention and mental health support services.
Somewhere in Australia there is a new call to Lifeline every minute.

People call Lifeline’s 24 hour crisis support service 13 11 14 about many things.

Services Included
Abuse and trauma
Physical or mental well being
Suicidal thoughts or attempts
Stresses from work, family or society
Information for friends and family
Lifeline also provides national services and campaigns that promote emotional well being, encourage help seeking, and address suicide prevention and awareness.
Lifeline is a not-for-profit organisation and relies on community support.

To donate to Lifeline call 1800 800 768 or donate online now

For crisis support call 13 11 14

To contact each state and territory visit
24 hours
13 11 14