Southern Tasmania
Disability Services South-West Region

Baptcare provides NDIS services in the South-West region of Tasmania. The South-West region covers the areas of Glenorchy, Hobart, Huon Valley and Kingborough.

Local Area Coordination (LAC) is a service that provides casework and case coordination in partnership with individuals, their family or carer, and their support network. LAC aims to achieve positive and quality outcomes for people with a disability aged up to 65 years. LAC is a targeted service that is made available to people on the basis of their assessed need, assisting people with disability to live independently in the community.

Baptcare provides LAC services to participants of the NDIS launch site in Tasmania. This pilot provides support and services to all 15 – 24yr old people with a disability who are deemed eligible.

Enquiries or referrals can be made by families or individuals directly, or by professionals working with the family.
Location Details
03 6283 5799
Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm
1800 000 123
03 6283 5700
Suite 4, 95 Albert Road, Moonah TAS 7009